Cruelty at it's extreme!
Man a social animal is using all his god given abilities to kill other less privileged animals. Although, man has all the rights he is not supposed to take away the rights of other animals. The pictures below depict a very pitiable state of man killing a voiceless creature for his joy and satisfaction.
Man a social animal is using all his god given abilities to kill other less privileged animals. Although, man has all the rights he is not supposed to take away the rights of other animals. The pictures below depict a very pitiable state of man killing a voiceless creature for his joy and satisfaction.
They call it 'hunting' and it's a sport
They call it 'hunting' and it's a sport
You want to call this sport ??
Is he a sportsman???
Hunting for pleasure of defenseless creatures, trying to make their own living without interfering with the life of man, should be banned on all accounts. Just like human rights, animal rights should also be respected and protected.PLEASE HEAR THE CRY OF THE BABY SEAL
"Please let it stop. This barbarism shouldn't be possible in our society Don't turn your back on us, we are so defenseless, we have no guns, please help us..!!!
I know these images seem painful for you, but we feel the pain...!! We are being slaughtered by ruthless people and it's going on RIGHT NOW...!!!
What gives him the right to kill us. Who is he to decide about life and death
What kind of sport is this..?? I didn't harm anyone..!! I was just swimming around doing nothing, now I'm dead...!!
Please help me and my friends...!! !
You can't just ignore these images..?? Keep silent and doing nothing makes you guilty...!!
Please help us...!!
Please don't leave us alone...!!"
You can make a statement by
forwarding this mail
to as many people as you can.
Please send your request to stop killing Baby Seal.
Bring these murderers to the attention
Bring these murderers to the attention
AND TO Norway Animal Welfare Board at
(FONDATION DU BIEN-ETRE ANIMAL DU CANADA) at or to frances.rodenburg@rogers.comAND TO Norway Animal Welfare Board at
Stop state support for seal hunting!
There is evidence of several sealing inspectors over the years that seal hunting is causing great suffering to the animals. Nevertheless, the catch is kept alive with subsidies. We demand that the government no longer going to use taxpayers 'money to sponsor the animals' suffering. Subsidies to the sealing must be stopped immediately.
Please sign our petition:
- Siri Martinsen
Stop seal hunting! - xxxx (the name is not shown)
to seal No! - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Thomas Olsen
It's embarrassing that this is still going on in Norway! I will not give my tax money for this! - Lena Larsen
something so inhuman to kill a small newborn animals only because of its fur. - xxxx (the name is not shown)
Seal hunting is cruel and unnecessary! - Aina Solem
- Kelsey Tisthammer
It's a shame that Norway supports such suffering. Stop now. - Ingwill Gjelsvik
- Aimee Iverson
- Kari Skogstad
- grete weseth
- Tove Marie Jønnum
- Enlarge Ander Haug
- Julie Menkin
SEAL IS IS animal cruelty, UNNECESSARY AND WASTE OF OUR TAX MONEY! - Helle Falkenberg
- Helen Opheim Fanebust
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Helen Britt
- Siri valence
- Camilla Martinsen
- Hege Håland
- Margit Flaatten
- Ragnhild Sollund
- silje algae
- Martha Bergseng
- Tomas Järmyr
- Kristin Paying Opdahl
- Jeanette Kværnes
Stop seal hunting! - Audgunn Swan Johnson
- Jorund Aase
- Erlend Aakre
- Kristine Moe Kaasa
It is a terrible shame and a great tragedy that such sealing can take place. - Bea Pedersen
- Marius Troldmyr
- Christian Loennechen
- Robert Clay Glastad
It is embarrassing that this is still going on in Norway! We demand that the government no longer going to use taxpayers 'money to sponsor the animals' suffering. Subsidies to the sealing must be stopped straks.Vi must build a society where respect for animals is a must! - Kristin Larsen
- Siri Larsen
- Janicke Falch
- Chinese Hanstad Nyland
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- xxxx (the name is not shown)
, we see that this (at least) is not working as it should - violations of the Animal Welfare Act has been documented - May - Harriet Seppola
It is too cruel to treat other living beings in this way. - Edda Christensen
Needless primitive, inhumane and brutal. - elisabeth thon place moe
- Ragnhild Rainbow Følling-Violence
- monica Tabone
- Line Horneland
Norway must remain good for state-sponsored barbarism. - Emilie Berger Ferre
Very good that NOAH does so much to protect all animals. I am very glad to help! - Kristine Saure
- Helen Fyen
- Ingvild Fraas
- Kira Solberg
- Silje Lie Solland
Now selslaktingen stop! It's too bad that this occurs in Norway. Scandal! - Sylvia Arnesen
Stop state support for seal hunting, NOW! - Heidi Røneid
- Kristin Kolstad
- Elisabeth Blikø
- Ida
This is unacceptable! Stop the torture! - Rella Sarvari
- Andrea Jensen
, this should be stopped immediately! - Ida Johanne
- Tina Louise Kraus
- Maria Rasmussen
- Frederick William
- Silje Talgø Grønset
- Camilla Maaland
No to seal! - Elin J. Jacobsen
We write the year 2010, there is a great shame that Norwegian politicians still support this savage Stone Age method to kill animals! - Mona
- Cecilie Tyri Holt
- Heidi Bärnholth
- Linda Meredith Skogholt Gylseth
- Molly
- Anna Johannessen
This should be stopped immediately! - Marit Aurebekk Breland
- Karin Beate Brunvold
STOP ANXIETY SELF !!!!! - xxxx (the name is not)
! - Eva Benedicte Skogli
Let us rather use the money for a good life for seals and other animals, instead of spending money on taking it! - Veera Mo
- Mari Løvhaug
Stop seal hunting!! - Silje Jeanett Skogvang
- Kenneth Tang
- Birte VA Rolland
- Lotta Kagge
- Mari Kristine Berg
- xxxx (the name is not)
Stop the seal hunt! We live in 2010, it is absolutely ridiculous that you are still doing it! We have no use for it, rather let nature take its course, it will settle for any overcrowding. Sick! - Stine Berg
- Meredith Lambrechts
- Jørgen Aass
- Clare
Another reason for working illegally in Norway. V_V - Tatjana Wolf Heart
I demand that all the suffering and torture of the animals stopped immediately! - Helen Vildalen
- Kristine Whale Bay
- Ingun Bjerke Nikolic
- Elin Hvam Malmedal
- Julie West Branch Pettersen
- christina fence
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Sissel Rørvik
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Samantha Søbakken
why should animal lovers to contribute involuntarily to seal hunting through tax money? Now it is time that Norway hang with the world and STOPS sealing, and certainly the government funding! - Inger Balto
- Pani Poxx
- Matilda Jönsson
- Stephanie Lane Wissiak
- Therese Bendiksen
- Stine Blomvik
- cecilia Thorsteinsdóttir Legreid
- Would Haga Sollund
- Marielle Benzal
I am ashamed to be Norwegian! - Johanne
- Mikkel Abrahamsen
- Randi Stølan
now must be an end to whaling cruel - Jim A. pettersen
THE YEAR IS 2010, (not 1810) Null need to engage in this type of idiocy in today! Write letters to your claim local politicians (aka løngnere and impostors). - Svein Tore Solvik
- Anna Simonsen
- Nina Johnson
- Reid Enge Grimstad
- camilla sherman
- Kristine Karlsen
- Naima therese Damberg
ashamed that my own kind so-called "smart" man can perform such actions - Sara Karlsson
- Vilgunn Haga
- Renate Gundersen
- Cecilie troberg
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Rebecca W. Woldseth
- Knut Inge Øverli
- Victoria Søbakken
this makes it embarrassing to be Norwegian! - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Marie Selim
- Aila Halstad Persen
- Kristine Fosså
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Wenche Nilsen
- Emily Haraldstad
- Anette Ulfsnes
- hilde eriksen
- Bettina Moe
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Håkon von Hirsch
has seen how this is done, and it is brutal at the worst possible way. - food Jacobsen
- Ida's daughter Ingrid Lange-Nielsen
- beate Owesen retterås
- Daughter Martha Solgunn Unni Hansen
There are better options than to take on animals. - Malin
- Pauline Johanne Kajl
- Wenche Bruu
That rich Norway doing this is to me quite incomprehensible. - Tori Vrålstad
- Lena Østerhus
- tone waistband sophie Birkeland
- Ylva Solum Aksnes
Sealing has to stop! No to the sealing! - janne Jessen
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- maria Hustad
- Øyvind Solum
- Karin Kydland Victoria Fæste
- Jeanette Theron Olsen
- Christine Tiril
It is terrible that there are still ongoing! Hope all signs and getting all they know to do it too! - Lotte Bjorbekkmo
- Karine Flem Karlsen
- Marianne Gubberud
- Christine Aartun
- Karine Gran
- Catherine R. Andersen
I will not pay taxes for this! - Siri McCarthy
- Tina Hinchliffe
this is completely wrong and direct embarrassing. stop. - Lis Jensen Westphal
Good that someone is doing with this noet - Jørgen G. Bosoni
Stop subsidies! Stop the seal hunt! It is flautt that our government is behind this. The damage to Council reputation internationally. - Jenny Rolness
- Helene Fjordheim
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Sara Marie Endreson
- Miriam Nugteren
- Ann Kristin Kværnes
- Stine Nordberg
- Merethe Andersen
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Claudia Teresa Moneta
- Rita Helgeson
- Vibeke Woll Edvardsen
- Marit Risvik
- Dorte Jensen
Stop seal hunting: It is cruel, unnecessary and brutal! - merete bechsen
stop seal hunting! - simen.hove.andersen @
- projections h-fed Kristiansen
- Ann Catrin Molnar
- Silje Rasch
- Arnfinn Fencing
- Tina Aursøy
- Veronika
- Magnus S. Larsen
Let's get a stop at the state subsidized the torture of norks fauna. - Anne Kristine Sollund
- Susanne
- Line Karlsen
- Andrea
- Freddy Rove
Tragic supported by taxpayers' money! - Jenny M. Meland
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Inge Matt Jacobsen
La seals be left alone. - Izabel Dullum
- Kari Mette Øverli
No to seal hunting - Katharina Gullvik
- xxxx (the name is not shown)
to stand on! Awesome! - Marit Lundby
- Kristin Brandt
- Karoline Elisabeth Lunde
- michele Corti
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Lena Carlsen
- Christine Dahl
- mika sounding stone
- Linda Therese Stadeløkken
Stop uhumanske this shit! - ina Tønnesen
- Linda BS
- Ida M. Skjønsberg
We'll be fine without the glare from the poor baby seals!
Norwegian authorities should open their eyes soon!
Sealing I will not support at all! - Daniel Lauritsen
- Peder Landsverk
No to State aid! - Adrian Falck
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Jostein Morstøl
- Ellisiv Mork-Finsås
- Miriam Einang Haug
- Vivian Nerli
- Flavio Nico \ '
- Sara Essabounji
- Linda Greaker
- Christian F. Schelver
Why seal? - Thomas Aalberg
me sick and living in a country with a government that supports murder! this is not better than the Germans did to Jews during the war! - xxxx (the name is not shown)
is horrible and shameful that people are doing that. Killing animals for meat, fur and leather. The animals see the monsters coming towards them to kill them. Well, my opinion is that people who keep on like that would have left with the same coin! - Silje Marienborg
- Caroline Theron
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Connie black dahl
- Martin Hansson
sick that this still holds on - Olaf Hodne
Ugly people! - Elisabeth Larsen Smørås
- Thomas Moen
Yes to hunt for politicians - Siv Merete Antonsen
- xxxx (the name is not)
Stop the cruelty now! Once and for all! - Tone Johansen
- gunn therese rock
- Tonje Martinsen Thoen
There must be an end to all forms of sealing! NOW! - Tove Heggø
- Benedicte Knutson Gaare
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Iben Rongevær de Jonge
- Sørensen Annica
the Chamber! - Alette Rivers
- Gert Van Rooy
- Monicka Ringstad
- Anne H. Cruys
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Anette Lund
- Henrik Rafaelsen
- Svein Arild Søyland
- Gretchen Marie Power
- Kristin Sveen
- xxxx (the name is not shown)
for sealing NO !!!!!!!! - Randi
- Mette Line Myhre
- Hanne Nordgård
- budge larsen
- Tuva Renate Johnsen
- yvonne kristoffersen
have ord.blir just disgusted at the thought of how the poor Dyran bi slaughtered: ( - Vaar Meidem
- Stine Helene Lihovd
Sealing is simply NEEDED! Stop it! - Inger Solberg
- Kamilla Nyborg Gregertsen
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Ellen Midtsæter
are already a member of Noah and get info - Camilla Midling
Horrendous! - Svein Sorli
- Mona Lunde
Whatever subsidies or not. This should be stopped immediately. So there recently (unfortunately) on television. Got a great reaction. Lost my breath and cried. A terrible way to kill animals! I wonder how this can be allowed in our time. It should also be a criminal for doing so to animals. And those who do it must be very stunted in their feelings. And this is for Norway. Terribly sad and embarrassing! - veronica larsen
- Linda Fors
- Cathrine Eriksen Avelina
La harness live! - Hilde Valbjørn Hagelin
- Peter Norstedts
In modern society do not need to catch seals. I carry my human with pride, it can all do by saying "No, to such nonsense! - Malene Roald
No to seal! - Kristina Vassileva
No to seal! Bad that this takes place in Norway! - Klara Gullberg Jensen
Sealing = what makes it embarrassing to be Norwegian abroad. - Carina Strøm Smith
No to seal! - Tina Christina Haugen
- Kari Saasen Beach
- Laila Dahl
- Linn Johansen
I think it's a shame that the state more such purposes. They should rather spend their time finding solutions for the animals, not make it worse by allowing such torture of seals and other animals. This must end! - xxxx (the name is not)
Stop the seal hunt! - Ann-Christin Halvorsen
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Kari Solberg Hannibalsen
- stine reindeer
- Ida Hill
- Nina Haaland
- Oddvar Husby
- Ms johnson
NO to seal! - Beate Kristin Langhus
- Anja Hansen Linnerud
- Benedicte Hanøy Lilleheil
This is a pure violation of the Animal Welfare Act! The authorities should have reported to sponsor animal suffering! - Christin-Helen Vasvik
- Veronica Løbakk
- Benedicte Tandsæther Andersen
- Anita Andreassen
- Anita Roksvåg
- Hallvard Østby
La seals live. - Marianne Lillehagen
STOP !!!!! - Andrea Marlén Nerland
- irene
- Tone Pettersen
No to seal! - Ane Reiersen
- Tone Utstumo
how Can anyone kill Those cute little seals! break's my heart to read stories ... These
TU, Liverpool / England - Frank Søyland
Stop the abuse of the seals! - Silje Amundsen
- Malene Lund
- Ellen Moran Tviberg
- Olav Nøstvold
- Hilde Merete Danielsen
animal cruelty! - Jeanette Hauge Olsen
- Torill Merethe Hopen
- Kathrine Elise Harnes
- Juan Francisco Ortega Retamal
stop harming animals. - sølvi Eilertsen
- Ingrid Ernø
- Stine
- Elizabeth Garcia Fram
- Danielle Frostad
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Mariann Eriksen
- Stina Haugen
Stop seal hunting! - Marius Hansen
- Martin Rosenvinge
- Linda Ramsøy
- Tove Mette Eide
- Chinese Kjølberg
- anne lean Olsen
- xxxx (the name is not shown),
Get an end to seal hunting! - templates Lydersen
- Martha Bryhn
- Tone Lileng
- Ida Lavold
- Maria Wik
must now end this madness! We do not sell! - Ingvild Kolstad
- Tina
- Sten Berentzen
Stop state-sponsored cruelty now! - Ane Roalkvam Skåra
STOP ANXIETY SELF! Use the tax money on something useful! - xxxx (the name is not shown)
this must be stop as soon as possible! - Linn Marlen Lauritsen
- Ingvild Apple Tveit
- Siv Lise Selma Gansmo
- Caroline Bjørgum
- elin Sørlie
no to sealing - Sindy N. Rye
- Solveig Madlen Smedberg
Must few stops on the seal hunt - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Kristine Takvam
- Sofie Bakke Ringstad
- Suzanne Dahl
- Helen Anni Breistein
We must not give us until there is full stop in the state support for both seals and whales. Sick justify making of the entire industry. - Kristine Nordli
- Silje Lunden
It is quite frightening and terribly sad, I think, that people can treat their fellow creatures in such a cruel måte.Og not see those for what they are worth and treat them like they full of fantastic creatures they are
and stop this torture!
We must wake up and see what we do to animals !!!!!!! They need our help now! - Guro Nervold
I can not understand that Norway supports such cruel abuse of animals. It's disgraceful! - Aase Karin Sundell
- Gunn Scarce
- Anita Myklebust
- Elisabeth Tjelle
- Milla
- John Haave
- Line Svendsen
- Trine Lyngstad
- Haakon Wibe
- Ine Ertvaag
Sealing is animal cruelty, torture and totally unnecessary. NO to the sealing! A scandal that there is still going on. - Meredith Kraus
- Anne Silje Bø
- Manuel
- Nina Kathrine Hansen
- Birgitta sundbom
- Frida Erdal
- Bente Hedman
Stop state aid and stop ALL selfangs! - Karoline Otterdal
- susanne roti rod response
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Eirin Gundersen
- David Walsh
This is a shame for Norway. Do not use my tax money on this! - Linda Jeanette Evensen
- Miriam Elliott
- Khalid Mercado
- york moen
Please stop seal hunting, they have it tough enough as it is from before.
York M. - Kjetil Harbour
Now the cup ran over to me. This must be stopped! - Ellen Roti
- Øyvind Nøss
keep on going! - Elisabeth Gundersen
- Nora Aurstad
It is quite distasteful and cruel. - Kamilla Hagane Ramleth
- Eva Olsvold Sundar
- Succession benberg
- Trude Gravdal
- Erlend Kristensen
- Bente Louise Løvoll
- Helen Carlsen
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Runa Illøkken
- Martha Marie Hamre
- Ingunn Bråten
- Lasse Andre `Smedberg
- heidi
la selenium live. let it be protected - linn Susanna Kuttner
's time to stop this now! - Otto Kuttner
- Tor Inge Sørlie
- Ingvild H. Areklett
- Anita Eikemo
- Guri Andreassen
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Andrea Hauge
- Rita Pauline Pedersen
- Helen B. Laurendz Borno
- Elisabeth Staum
- Geir Erik Berge
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Ragnhild Kleivenes
- Marianne Lindblom
- Agnes Dynein
- Jaana Jaakkola
- Elisabeth A.
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Astrid Haagensen
stop the shameful selfansten! - Tommy Leikvoll
This should have been banned long ago! We are, after all, in the year 2010 now. We'll be fine fine without sealing! Embarrassing! - Jo Berge
- Iris Rawe
very sick that we are forced to use our tax money on something like that .. What a crazy world! And for some sick politicians ... - Fride Cecilie Lid Vethe
- xxxx (the name is not)
Stop the seal hunt!! - legged glastad
- selma Schöttker
- Heidi Dahle
- xxxx (the name is not shown)
Enough is enough, let the harness live! - Stainless Bjelde
This must stop now ... fy surface. These sealers are ill assailants. Read the report by the inspector on - therese.vatndal @
- Carina Ahlfors
- Sandra Haaheim
- Cecilie Drogseth
we truly live in a country said tilbakestàende we allow this? - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Inger Thorsen
Stop sealing immediately !!!!!!!!! - Anne Karine Vatnan
- Elisabeth Hansen
This should have been stopped long ago! - Anne Westen
It's embarrassing that we still doing these barbaric killings and appalling that no authority has accepted the consequences of animal cruelty that has been proven and still foregår.Fjern all state aid to these atrocities - Linn
- Heidi Randall
"Heart Raw" - Madeleine Holm Larsen
- eva rock country
- Elinor Samuelsen
- Silje Widding
Sealing is a scandal! - Petter Fineide
- Sheila Larsen
- Silje Dagestad Berentzen
Government still claims that tax cuts will lead to cuts in welfare, how to cut in government subsidized animal cruelty instead? - Kathy Johnson
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Marius Hovland
SLAUGHTERING NO MORE! - xxxx (the name is not displayed)
There is a difference between sustainable resource management and outright sadism that other Norwegian hunters doing. But sure it is completely unnecessary to continue with state aid. - Sunniva Dybvig
Sealers can kyssa piss - Anne Mette Amdahl
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- hilde AGA brown
seals are also threatened by pollutants, climate problems, etc.. Norway can not regard all life in nature as consumer goods at the expense of the ecosystem. Catch methods is that the whales also very inhumane. - Tina Wiig Sorensen
La seals live! - Katherine Water Square
- Anna Petersen Windgätter
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
I will not pay taxes as long as my money goes to things like this! It is reprehensible that the Norwegian government supports the seal hunt! - Per Christian Brander
It is so cruel and incomprehensible that such torture is allowed. How do these people sleep at night? : | - Aida Dinéh
No to seal! - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- xxxx (the name is not)
Stop the seal hunt and other ways to mistreat animals! - Julie Lindén
- Martine Brosten Larsen
- irene therese Ytredal
completely forjævelig! - Sissel Sorli
- Kristin H. Kristiansen
- Cecilie Kjørmo
Stop the cruelty! - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Madeleine Schee
- S. Sem
- Astri m Møen
Seal hunting is barbaric. - Marikken Kårvatn
Did not think you could still get away with this in 2010! - viktor Torbjørnsen
Wheels upon wheels, mean everyone is a part of the Hole! One gets Cursed, all gets Cursed, one gets blessed, all gets Bless. - Irene Samdal
- Lisbeth de Waard
- xxxx (the name is not shown)
Stop Sealing! - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Anne M. Holmen
- Brembo Kari Knutsen
- Nina Westergaard
- xxxx (the name is not shown)
Poorly done, poor dyr.Tenk docks about. Stop the seal hunt. - Lene Terland
- Helga Riekeles
most important thing we can do for a better world is to stop all violence and exploitation of animals! - Frederick Dale
- Christine
- Rolf H. Larsen
reprehensible that Norway still engaged in such a barbaric thing, we're supposed to be a developed country? - Birgitte Larsen Veland
- Linda Kristiansen
- Geir Brandstadmoen
I am ashamed of this barbarism in the name of Norway. Politicians and political parties who are giving their support to the seal will never get my vote. - Linda Bjørnstad
- Andreas Forbergskog
Sealing is unnecessary and primitive. Can not justified. - Daughter Anita Arild Pedersen
- Thera Thenderup
May all animals and people once live in perfect peace and harmony. - Cecilie Syversen
- Mina Andersen
Stop seal hunting! Reprehensible that my tax dollars contributing to this! - Justyna Daria Ramotowska
- Inga Fætten
- Mari Johansen
Stop seal hunting, stop animal abuse - ingrid Chr Krook
- Annie B.
It is a shame for Norway. STOP sealing !!!!!! - Renee
- Kjerstin Lie Solland
- Malene Isaksen
- Stine Skelton
Unimaginable that such animal cruelty subsidized with tax money! - Jorgen B. Lysholm
- martine Karlsen
that it is possible?! it is innocent and helpless animals! - Cecilie Catharina Lysholm
Sealing leads to enormous suffering and make it embarrassing to come from Norway! - Sigrid Synnøve Eldegard
- Victoria F Karlsen
- Ann-Elizabeth
- Martha Pellerud
- Annie Plowman Voll
- Terese Alexandra Vaag Hassel
This is unnecessary and a clear abuse of living beings! - Siri Andreasen Falch
- Lucyna Larsen
The way how we conduct ourselves in relation to animals, says a lot about how we are as humans. - Ida Lorentzen
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Annelin Aas
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Siv Jensen
- Espen Xandrius Leinæs
Stop sealing NOW! - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Silje Elisabeth
- xxxx (the name is not)
Stop the seal hunt! - Kaisa Ramona Hautala
- xxxx (the name is not shown)
to seal No! - Espen Tveit
- Helen N. Lie
Amazing how much suffering we humans inflict the other living creatures - reprehensible! - Davina Schmitt
- Maria Eimstad
Sealing is inhumane! - york moen
Stop seal hunting today! - Grete Gunnesmæl
Stop subsidies to this animal cruelty. - Une Aina Bastholm
- charlotte Graff
- Jens Dale Røttereng
- heal waterfall Haneborg
- Siri jachlin
- Heidi Hassem
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Emilie Z. Stensbak
- Wave Mia Baldursdottir
Sealing is shame for Norway - Johann Kolur Knutsson
and Norway will call itself a civilized country? - Rise Mari Knutsen
- Rose Marie Eleni Pålerud
Stop seal hunting, and the tax money should not go to the cruel acts against animals. - else pålerud
Stop seal hunting! - Astrid Aakra
- Ida Bethina Bjørnerud
Let the animals live! - Mary Rosenkrantz Olsen
- Fredrik Marthinsen
- Caroline Abrahamsen
- Gina Mariell Beit Veit
- Hannah Nadine J. Lislerud
- Torhild Bentzen
- Maria Risjord
- Eric Faret Sakariassen
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- xxxx (your name will not appear)
Comments? Obviously, I now think ....! - Elisabeth Braarud
Total unnecessary, and a shame that people (like uvitne) are included in this cruel industry. Stop the seal hunt, stop the torture! - Linn-Cathrine Brustuen
- Hilde Tønnesen
I will not support this with my tax money! - Birger Olsen
- Miriam Schaefffer
STOP THIS TORTURE and suffering NOW! See the fear in the dems islands and hear the screams of pain and shock of the wickedness of man! I even get nightmares from this! I will NOT that my tax dollars should go to this! - Susanne Middle Country
- Chinese Landaas
- Hauge Hege
- Sebastian Tvedtnæs
I HATE !!!!!!!!!! SEAL
Ren bastard closet !!!!!! - Charlotte Martin
- Gro Nagel
Unacceptable. - Tonje Mathiesen
- Yvonne Berko
Stop it. - Karoline Sophie Hennum
- Sylvia Bator
- Vanja Tollby
- Ilayda
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
Do not kill innocent seals for their fur, it's just unnecessary - Jørgen Berg
- Sondre Tømmerås
- Nicolai Codling
- Julie Karlsen A
This is probably the most inhumane form of hunting we have in the country today, and totally obsolete! - Yngve Mountain
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Monica Stenhaug
- Kari Hanche-Olsen
, this has NEVER been anything other than pure barbarism! - Linn Aakre
this must be the worst form of animal abuse .. fy f *** I have no words! - xxxx (the name is not)
Stop the seal hunt at all and great! Animals should not suffer, that I refuse to pay for it! - Tanja Elise Berg
- Anita Joanna Paduch
- Ulla Kolstad
Great that you take this initiative. This case is a disgrace for Norway. One of the ugliest I've seen (unfortunately not the first time). - Benedikte Szanday
- Stine Marie Moe
STOP ANXIETY SELF! - Lasse Jørgensen
- Linda Winther eisala
- Lena Haugen
- Ayoub Miri
- Henning Hvaal Mathisen
- Robert Kammel
- Meredith Elston
- Katharina Wiig
sealing must be stopped! It is awful! - Katherine Summer Home
- Rolf Kristensen
- Elsebeth
use our tax money on something useful instead of this unnecessary hunt. - Hanna M. Elstad
- Ingela Rapp Male Merit
- Ylva Christina Esbjörs
My heart cries När Djura exposed to lidande och fruktansvärda övergrepp. - Ewa Danielsson
- Bente Paulsen Nerheim
- Nina Aasen
- Robert Ippolito
- felicia forest count
- Erik Altmann Moholdt
- Nina Dahl
Seal hunting is cruel and should be punishable, not legal. - Kristin Bergan
- Kristian Jørgensen A.
Abuse of our animals must be punished in the strictest way, regardless of who might be behind this. Government and those in power has always known about this without being crafty enough to stop it. That's enough! We accept no more such cases! - Esther Løseth
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Tatiana Solberg
- Maiken Kjølås
- Marianne Mikalsen
A shame for Norway that this is allowed - Elise Nordberg
- Ellen Katrine Nielsen
- Sverre Eddie Høiås
- maria Kullerud
- Janne Helen Lorentzsen
Stop the sealing-awful! It's a shame that the government uses tax money to cause suffering to animals. - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Josefine Westby Krager
- Grytøyr Kristin Andreassen
- Maritha Røyseth
- Heidi Dahl
- Kristina Bjune Norshus
- Sina Meredith
- Kristina Zimmer
- Shirin Elisabeth Bøe
had only campaigns that this had any effect !!!!! - Nina Helen Bentsen
- Vigdis T. Forsberg
The Norwegian Government will allow, and pay for the barbarity, especially against the defenseless. This is a great tragedy. If the Government will show that they care about the abolition of violence and cruelty against animals other than humans, they must immediately create Animal Police Authorities, which protects 100% of all animal health and rights. The Greens are very aware of this. So they get my vote in all elections. - Ragnhild
Stop seal hunting! - nina Winsnes
- Maria Vassbotn
- Isabella Junge
- Bjørg Langerud
- xxxx (the name is not shown)
, both sealing, whaling and fur farming is something we manage very well without us - animal abuse! : ( - Nina Moe
can not understand how it manages to do anything like that to cute little defenseless animals. Such people should not have been allowed to live - Karin Nilssen
- Irene Murati
- Nora Arentz Brænd
- Tommy Andersen
- Elin Larsen
- xxxx (the name is not)
It's a no brainer. The state should not support animal abuse. 'm Very angry that the movie is kept secret - the state's property means the people's property. Let people see what has happened. - Elin Holland
Stop this nasty decision! - Ms Alvær
- Jeanette Reime
Norway should Shema! - Evy Benita Kvinlaug
- Ida Farm
- Mats Nordum
- Astrid Westad
- Pia D. Gammelsæter
Yes to a better world! - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Jon Petter Nilsen
- Tristan A. Martin
- Ingunn Ellen Stenberg
- laila katnosa
- Linn-Marie Nordstad-North
- h. slopes
- Hegdal Aune Camilla Egeberg
- Silje Mathisen
- kristine Krogstad
- Marianne fire
stop sealing - xxxx (the name is not shown)
no to seal hunting, wounded animals suffer! - camilla
Stop these savage and cruel actions NOW! We refuse to let our tax dollars go with these unnecessary and EVIL killings being carried out.
NO to sealing, NO to the death! - Hege Bjune
- Tina Braun
- Would Sollund
- Anne Johannessen
- veronica Sørem
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Sunniva Veland
Fyfaen. - Benedichte Kaarikstad
- Catrine Torgersen
- Veronica Hagen
- Maja Dineh Sørheim
- Petter
- Iselin Meling
Stand on, fight for an important cause! - Gretchen Krystad
Hope they get stopped atrocities those poor animals are subjected. - Kaja Mainardi
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Ine Vestengen
- Karoline
- male Børing
- Ane
- Maria Lausund Kvenseth
- Linda Holte
- Laila Johanna Nystad
Let the adorable creatures live! - Ingerid Dahlen
- Bente Isefjær
- Inger Haugen Bjerke
- Frida Norum
- Marianne Kayser Ground
- Madelen phoenix
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Karen Tvedt
Sealing is not sustainable! - Pia Berg Seger
- Havard Austin
- Sophie Østli
No to seal! - Ingrid Helene Jurs
Deadline miss the action right away! - Kristine Andersen
- Susaanne Sorensen
- elin jerdal
- Linn Kathrin Wille
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Ida Mekiassen
- sara salamonsen
- Ingrid
- Bente Kristine Eck
- nina Røstad
- katherine Myhre
- Andreas Wohlen
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Hans Helander
- Eva Cathrine Lansimaki
Stop seal hunting! - Heidi Halvorsen
- Lisbeth Magnussen
slaughter must be stopped! Now we have to be civilized people! - Line
- Eva McMaster
- Hall geir Skretting Enoksen
- Mira Kapoor
- Katja Johanna Pihl
Embarrassing. Shameful. Disgusting. Stop the seal hunt now! - Anna-Margrethe Hagness
not use tax money to support animal abuse. - Doris Isaksen
- Amelie Leinan
- Miriam Kristínardóttir Martinsen
Can not really understand how some people still believe that animal cruelty is okay ... We have not come further than that? - Anna Björnsdóttir
reprehensible to provide state aid for animal abuse! No to the sealing! - Mette Lunde
Sealing is a great shame. We will not have! - Mia Valsjø
- Inge Morten Holm
- Anne K. Harkestad
- Eline Jarmann Larsen
- Ingvild Mælum
- Vigdis Jarle Daughter
- Kenneth Bågan String Elsrud
- Marthe-Stine Erlandsen Grimsmo
Stop seal hunting! - Ragna Steiro
- Helga Jessen
- Helena Maria Kvitvik
Absolutely incredible that this should be necessary in modern times! I'm ashamed of Norway! Fy! - Margaret Brant Sæter
- Stine Ytterstad
No to seal! - Tore Kveim
Shameful that the government supports something like that. - Marie Helene Roald
- Karin Lyng
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Yasmin Frydenlund
- Kristine Rage
- Linda North Mountain
NO to seal! - Bodil Eikeset
This animal abuse is a disgrace! - Anne M Martinsen
stop whaling, we do not need the meat and the animals suffer. - Marisa Widding
Sealing is simply foul! - Solveig dyrhol
- Bent
- Tarjei Funderud
- Marie Johannesen
Save the innocent! - Gro Arnesen
- Ini
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
I hope there is a change - and soon! - Veronica Hove
- Sture Simon Orø
- Helene Jensen
Stop evil! - Lene Hoff Holmedahl
The only reason that the seal hunt continues is that people do not want to open our eyes to what is actually happening. The animals suffer! They meet their death, often tedious and painful, in the face of people. We should be real soon prove that we have more sense than that. Enough is enough. - Kaia Helene Lien Lisveen
Ugh! - Gry Therese Gulbrandsen
stop animal suffering! - Eirin S. Dybing
- Madeleine Rasmussen Rosenkrantz
- Sandra Brekke Johansen
- Maria Eriksson
- Thor Tobiassen
- Caroline Johanne Lindrupsen
No to seal! - xxxx (the name is not displayed)
Should only fair! - Hilde
- astrid johansen
no to seal animal abuse simply - Karianne Ullestad
- tore rolsdorph
- kristina Bjornsen
- xxxx (the name is not shown)
off, so many evil people, so little time to punish them ... - Morten Mobrenna
This should be a stop for now! - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- karen Frivik
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Anna Eline Bolstad
- Sara
- Helen Tranum
- Lillian Steen
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Emilie Torp Lund
- Katinka Goldberg
- Tor Henning Pedersen
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Ida-Sofie Jarsve
- Nita Shala Kaupang
- kristine marie Nordal
- Elin Ahlström
NO TILL SÄLFÅNGST! - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Claire Street
- Marit Dahlhaug
- Marianne Nygaard
- Jenna Green
- susanne johansen
- Bjørn Egil Freitag
- Gayatri Jeevaharan
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Kari Nylén
- Sara Lie
- Vivi Natvig
We should have come further in 2010 than that. That such barbaric methods are still acceptable, and even subsidized is beyond! - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Mari Katrine Berg
- Dag-Erling Smørgrav
barbaric and pointless. - Kjersti Larsen
- Irene Myklebust
- Connie Berntzen
NO to sealing. - Geir Berg
- Julie Johansen
- Unni Glis Male
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Sofie Berntsen
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Hege Strandli
- Eivind Ravndal
- Celine Syversen
When will people understand that we do not need fur! And it is not pretty! - Aleksandra Platou
Stop state support for seal hunting! - Marianne Rosenlund
A primitive and brutal hunting - a disgrace to Norway! - stine bianca
- Jeanett Økland
- NoRun Sanderson
- Hilde Wøien
- Verena Scholz
- Linn Kristel Peroni
- Camilla Elise Hope
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Erland Andersen
fact that Norway still engaged in cowardly and barbaric activity that this has nothing to do with so-called proud tradition to do. It's just embarrassing, embarrassing and a big shame! - Trine Elisabeth Anderberg Toft
Selenium has as much right to live in peace with us. STOP NOW, before they disappear completely. - Jeanett Marcussen
GIV SÆLERNE LIFE back - Jawad Benhammou
- d. out ergül
- Stefan Pedersen
- Marianne Johansen
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Rudi Hansen
Stop the cruelty! - Gina Clausen
- Julie-Anne Nilsen
- Stian Andberg
- sascha mirakulus
- Ole Christian Sande
- Marit Kvamme
Sealing is grotesque! I cry when I see it! Be so nice not to give aid to sealing! - Roger Larsen
No to seal! - Camilla Teigen
- Carina Isabella Elita Fager Kind
poor thing: ( - Randi Johannessen Buckley
- Thea
, this is awful! Stop the seal hunt now! - Marianne Kjexrud
Sealing is unnecessary! - Mette Eliassen
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- marit Indian mound
- Annalisa Stenhaug
- Lene Marie Thorsrud
- Johanna Rammin
Nej till cell capture - Alexander Stalsberg
- Miriam Kristin Espedal
- Tine Johansen
Totally amazing that my tax money goes to support animal cruelty! - Ingeborg van Bergen Søndergaard
- Tori Andresen
We should be more civilized than this. - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Nina Brovold
Please! - Kristine Sandtangen
- Heidi Brekke
- xxxx (the name is not shown)
to seal No! - Birgitte Mellemstrand
- Cecilie Løvik Sveen
Keep up the good work you do!! - Marie Kjølstad
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Line Brenden
- Ine Almen Lien
- Dan-Raoul
- Oda Elisabeth Kolle
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Helen Cerveny
Stop using my tax money to animal suffering! - Hege Gyberg
Sealing is torture, how can anyone think of doing something against the innocent young seals, I do not understand it ... They deserve life just as much as us humans, if not more ... - katarina Utne
- Øivind Pedersen
Stop shooting horny disgusting and sadistic hunters! - Anne Helen Eidsheim
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Silje Thoresen
- Camilla Seline Johansen
- Hella
seals are wonderful sweet animals that do not deserve to be slaughtered because of their fur! this should be stopped immediately! - xxxx (the name is not shown)
terrible! - Eli Farstad Morken
- Cecilie Hårsaker
- Ada Dahl
- weekend olsen
poor Lindbergh took this up 10 years ago, was almost lynched for this, for some fucking assholes that are doing up there in the north! - Camilla Løhre
- Hege Kolåsæter
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Marit
- Anita Yayli
This is incredibly cruel! I do not understand people who can do something so awful against a defenseless animal! They were damn received the same treatment yourself! : ( - Janne Kristiansen
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Cia Huggutte
- Ole Mauseth
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Elena Kristiansen
- Ina melissa Bulow
- Nora Elise Hesby
- Solveig Eckhoff
This is work for God's will - to stop mistreatment of animals - Daniel Lørinczi Math
Do not come and say that this is value, when it destroys the greatest value we have on the planet, namely, animals and nature! - Tiril Priest Holmes
- Mads Sæløen
- Maria Eikeland
- Anne Marie Gulliksen
We do not need to kill seals! Let them be at peace in nature as autonomous beings! - Eirin primary axis
- Einar Olsen
- Anita Olsen
No to seal! - Linda Bjerga Vela
- Linda Olsen
No. of sealing! - Tine Holmsen
- Aina Tvedt
No to seal! No to fur people! - Elise Overland
stop seal hunting, totur to animals, shall be ike barn. - xxxx (the name is not shown)
Shameful! - Nora Hoffmann
- Ida Lauritzen
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Charlotte
- Anja B. Steingrimsen
- veroniva Løseth
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- anja Rødset
- Linn Thorvaldsen
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Marit Sæbø
- Evita Sorensen Molvik
- Kathinka Øygarden
- Martha Torsetnes
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- stine
- Anja Skaran
- Ask Anna Lerheim
- camilla cat gunder
- Karen Oftedal
- marita Helen Johannessen
Seems both sealing and fur farming is completely unnecessary, they have nothing we need, which indicates that it is necessary to kill animals in such a cruel manner. those who do such things does not own or even respect its own opinions and feelings. Crying is the same language in everythings. - Chatrine_irin Johannessen
- kim Noah
- Therese Verona Eidsgaard
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
I think it's disgraceful! - Trine
animal cruelty is not and will never be okay. - ernst Haugland
- Thor Alexander Almelid
- John-Olaf S. Paulsen
- Eirik Jacobsen
Should then really only fair, shame that we still are doing this. - Julie Nanette Holten
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Veronica Rebecca Johansen
- Ingeborg Madland
selbabyer rip! - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- ¨ linda Vangsnes
- Lisa davidsen
- Tine Lise Olslund
- Maria Edland
- Kristin
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- astrid
- marianne githmark
Stop seal hunting! - Nina Daapan
- Gaelle
- Ragnhild Njie
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Martine Lein Skrove
- Charlotte
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- helene emilie eng
stop sealing - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- xxxx (the name is not shown)
velidig this is important, too whaling - Camilla Pedersen
- Malin Tangen
now you must wake up and realize what century we live in! we do not have fur and certainly not fur from defenseless baby seals! - Kari Lydersen
- Anne Lill Hauge
- Ingrid Haugsrud
- Sofrid
- Alba Jarlum
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Birgitte Svela
- Line Førlandsås
- Mailen Middle Karlsen
I support the head does not seal and I'd rather not give my tax money for this! Stop Sealing! - kurt-thomas
- Vegard Sten Light
- Annicken Larsen
- Marthe Snorre daughter Rovik
- Benedicte Knutson Gaare
Help seals! Please! - Arild Knutsen
- Hege Augestad
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Helene Aamlid
Pathetic done. State chooses to klubbeslå seals instead to give us nice wide roads. Well done. - Erik Fjeldheim
- xxxx (the name is not shown)
Ow, we must flay a man before we understand what we are supporting unnecessary barbarian?! - Ingvild Leite
- Steven Hunt
- Camilla Jeanette Bruhn
animal abuse must be stopped. It is terrible and Norway should be so humane country that it should have been penalized. We must be the change we want to see! - Sanna Sofia Sandberg
- Kari Saasen Beach
- Jonathan Ekström
- Carina Henske
- Marie Hetland
No to seal! - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Linn Fiksdal
- Hanne Mari Skappel
This must stop now! - Maria
animal abuse in the strongest! - Ann-Kristin Steffens Norbom
the cynical Stop the madness! - June Røstvær Foss
- Miriam Frotvedt
No to seal! - Kari RD
- Kristin Bjerknes Aarre
- Helle Nilsen
- Sverre Wiik
- Anita Ness
- Carita Eriksson
- Melih Beglerovic
- Hilde Sperbund
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Katrine rough
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
What is the problem with fake fur? - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Siri Schreiner
- Ina Catrin
Stop seal hunting! - Benedikte M. Kjeldsen
- Helen Aronsen
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Sunniva Eidissen Bystad
I will not be helping to support the seal hunt against my will. Cut state funding, forbids cruelty. - Thomas Sanden
unusable state and useless hunting people! - tone Brandt
- Julie Alver
- Christine K. Larsen
Sealing and whaling makes me embarrassed to be Norwegian! - Marita Jensen
Sealing is incredibly cruel! - xxxx (the name is not shown)
Stop switch wildlife for cash! - Mette Haugen
No to seal! Poor animals! - kristine
- Silje Reime
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Martha Grønseth
Obviously, this is unacceptable, especially in a time like this, when animals are already dying out and are suffering because of anthropogenic climate change. It is therefore irresponsible and grotesque that such activity is still going on, especially in the particularly vulnerable environment seals and polar bears live in. Stop Now! - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Hilde Widding
- Line Jensen
STOP! - Aylar Lie
- Lisbeth Bjørnstad
Now there will be an end to this AND whaling and dolphin slaughter in Japan - Alfred van der Bend
GO GO guys:). One day we must understand that to destroy (cqkontrollere) the living nature around us do not lead other way than the extinction of our own existence. STAND ON! - Espen Rønningen
- jorunn Fleischer
Stop the abuse!! - Elina Mostafavi
- Erika out Geijerstam
- xxxx (the name is not)
Stop the seal hunt now, it's animal abuse! - Marian Hansen
Selfansgt is insane act of state. - Mykle legged farm
- Randi o.van Gelder
One serious abuse of our fellow creatures - Ingela Belinda Gabrielsson
Stand on saying NO to the sealing! - Amanda Wodl
- Martin Rosenvinge
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Laurence Mériaux
- Inger Solberg
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Kaja Skoftedalen
- Masina Mustaffai
Stop seal hunting! - Christian Fredrik mountains
- Melina næss nilsen
- Randy Vaage Thon
- Catherine Hoel
- Mona Klævahaugen
- Kristin Hatten
- Miriam Løland
STOP ANXIETY SELF! - Marianne Dalland
- xxxx (the name is not)
stop seal hunting! - Catherine West Tin
- Atle sjodalen
- Vetle Cato Korsand Poulsen
- Pia Solvår Øyvann
reprehensible to kill ANIMALS FOR FUR! - Mariah Dahlen Thofte
Sealing is grotesque and should be stopped NOW! - Steffen Fagerheim
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Hege Wensell
- Solveig Marie Johnson
- Tone Larsen
- michael david thompson
- stian Kolberg
- Charlotte Gamst
Velfangsten is sickening. Stop with it! - Jo Berge
- xxxx (the name is not shown)
that some people can be so cruel I do not understand. seals are innocent and forvvarsløse animals that have never done anything wrong - Madelen Berg Granum
Stop seal hunting! - Jonas
Is it so necessary to kill the seals? We have plenty enough resources to do without. It is cruelty to animals. Puke * - Annie Brox
- Katherine Moljord
Now we must put an end to seal hunting. Such violence against the poor animal can not be excused in any way. These animals have feelings, they deserve to live their lives fully ut.De exercising such violence against animals can not call himself a man! - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Dimitri Hansen
- Kaj Dalfall
Vansinnet Stop! - xxxx (the name is not)
stop these gross atrocities against our fellow creatures. Animals are not made for humans, akkuratt that women are not created for men, or that black is not created for whites. - Claudia Moneta
- Tina Herbst
- Elisabeth Morseth
Stop seal hunting !!!!!!! - Unni Rognan
- Ivy Lorvik
Stop animal cruelty. It's a shame. - January Strømsem
Practice Shooting with machine guns on the pups shows what harry cowboy culture that prevails in this business! - Julia
- Mari Tenhunen
- Linn-Kristin Dale
- Christoffer Dreyer
- Elin A. Søland
- Kristin
- xxxx (the name is not shown)
Terrible! I do not agree that my tax dollars should help these assassins. - Mariann ønseth
full support from me! jævelskapen stop! - Sunniva
- martine Westbø
- Cathrine Myhra
- elisabeth Skorgan
- Kathinka
- gunn Nesbø
Now it's time to stop this! - nina smith
- Sanjin Dumisic
- Odile
It's a shame how people support such a thing in decorating themselves (eg. selskinnsko) and his home with other mammalian skin, it is headless, arrogant, egocentric, materialistic people. See also ESCADA CAMPAIGN: Fur and its Social Meaning. "... Worn as a trophy, its fur is a demonstration of Dominance of animals, the injustice Against the individual animal."
A Homo "sapiens" as such can act insistently to be fit to perform the killing of people. People walking over bodies, to his own "social" advantage. Can it speak here of a "natural" action in the year 2010?? Are we forunft-beings?? Will these men impress women with such a senseless slaughter, and then deliver his "catch" (perhaps from the store) in the "washed clean" form of a Christmas present?? Maybe this "sporty, well-meaning ..." slaughterhouse prosperity that will "ensure" that is not the "fake" animals eat your food you do not have, had not been about women finally took the position? Such conditions are abominable, and drizzled with the various, often female "gut Betuchte" mean to show a heart to give way out and mention "see so many people starving children in Africa .." Human focus ... Support of the population? Are humans an endangered species with perhaps 7 billion copies / individuals øddelegger more livelihood for a multitude life, including seals?? - Maria Zachariassen
- Gry Karen Westby
- Eva Svingen
- Gerd Eikeland
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Zinnia Bjønnes Hansen
Stop this cruel business! - Linn Kristin Sparby
I have seen so many Videora of how they slay the poor seal pups ..... It's absolutely barbaric and absolutely terrible and do not understand how they can do so against these poor beautiful animals. They are completely defenseless animals. NO TO THE SEAL!! - Camilla Birch
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Martin Iversen Løvbakken
Shameful that cute little innocent seals will be killed just for fur! - Margret Olsen
- Emma Sæther
- Solveig Svoor
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Daniel Olai Danielsen
- Annelie Rønning-Olsen
again people have such a great empathic failure that again they can maim and kill the equality of individuals is completely incomprehensible, do not realize I left the state are so occupied with money back they can let this go either, for once, I hope Norway can get back in the world ahead and stop ALL slaughter and exploitation of individuals, who actually seems more intelligent than us, and try and find out what we can learn from these amazing animals! - Camilla Sorensen
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Ragnhild Rønning
- Tonje Johansen
- Mailiss Solheim
- British Haga seth
- Nina Svendsrud
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- mona e Engan
- Anne Helene Vosgraff
- Jan Rune Kaasbøll
- Geir Olav Sandnæs
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Synnøve Vindenes
- Christina Myhr
- Helene Löfgren
- Tori B. Nilsen
- Hilde Trettvik
- Kristiane long
- Henrik Sund Farm
- hege Føsker
- Kristin Vethe
- Odd Gunnar Kolåsæter
- Tori Næsbak Kolåsæter
- xxxx (the name is not)
Stop the torture of defenseless animals at once! - Torunn listaul
stop this animal abuse! - Camilla Takvam
- Kristin Ytterbø
- Filomena Pereira
- Ylva Kjellmo-Møller
- geir ove w. Sira
- Lars-Ove Vik Landsverk
- Silje Nielsen
- Benita Eriksdatter
- Gry Martine Smith
- Torgun Fladby
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Heidi Røang
- Ragnhild Narten
- Ulrike Elisabeth Norsted
- Andreas Nørve
It is basically absurd that it should be necessary with such a campaign. The fact that the sealing and whaling, for that matter taking place in modern times is completely absurd. It seems as if these people do not have emotions .... - Tara Mikaela Solum Aksnes
STOP SEAL! - Lisbeth Vangeid
Now we must put an end to this madness! - Annelén Terje Daughter Smedstad
STOP! - Jennie Backman
- Marie Munther
- Ingvild Løvdal Elvsås
no to animal cruelty! - Astrid Helene Unhjem
- Christian Andresen
- Olav Åsheim
- Karsten Røsnes Ersdal
- Nina Croft
- Karin Renate Kristiansen
- Silje Vande Forest
- lena Nicolaysen
elderly would have better use of this money! - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Jimmy Woods
- Martin
What about the animals killed us to get our hair for example, or something to eat? - Therese Korneliussen
I'm embarrassed åvære Norwegian as long as we do with sealing. those are some cute little innocent animals and they do not deserve this - Chan Fischer
Stop seal hunting and expensive state-sponsored massacre! - Hege Røsnes
- Siw Aduvill
- Irene Birch
- Laila Christensen
- Rajn Biseth Vogt
reprehensible that murder get state aid.
Not the first time the Norwegian government invests in morally reprehensible projects - Line Wallebek
Stop this disgusting slaughter! - Astrid Moe
This hunt should be stopped completely. It goes against all ethical principles such as Norway claim they stand for. It is a great shame for our country! - Wigdis Nilsen
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Jill Olsen
- Anne Byberg
- Martha Solfjeld Sørå
Stop this nonsense! - marthe Andreassen
- Marianne Michelsen
Life is as dear to animals to human beings. How one will live and not die, so also for the other. - Dalai Lama
Stop seal hunting! - Nina
- Leikny Solveig Vikingstad
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Veronica Elise Dahl
- xxxx (the name is not shown)
Gets embarrassed by Norway and human selfishness! - kenneth w
you get someone else to play with the harness and let her sail the sea alone .. - Vibeke Krefting
- Maren back Bjerkeset
- Simon back Bjerkeset
- Katrine Vestby
Grow up and use tax dollars for all you complaining that you can not afford to (schools, elderly care, highway, etc.) - Almaz asfaha
- Arnstein Vada
Sealing is reprehensible! - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Silje Mikalsen
- Aase palm
- Benedicte rasmussen
- Eva Holte
- Stig-Rune.Kristoffersen
Noah makes a very good job, go and fight on:) - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Amalie Ulvatne
I Synstevann it is unnecessary and animal abuse! I am very opposed to such things. And could wish the world was all animal friendly. - Anne Jorunn Løkken
- xxxx (the name is not shown)
that I support because it can not happen that it is state aid to sealing - Caroline Pedersen
- Tore Aarnseth
- Inger Linn Tobiassen
STAND ON NOAH - Bianca Lerche Vaular
This is macabre evil which I will not participate. Type "culture" that is not needed. - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Sigmund Ruud
Unfortunately, it not only seals suffering in this country. Norway remains a developing country when it comes to animal rights. A great shame !!!!! - Marie Kristine
- Lisa Beate Blikeng
- Kristin Torp
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Frank-Arne Bratten
Stop killing animals for sport only! - Renate Nyby
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Iris Maria Janzsó
- Cathrine Endsjø
- Anna-Maria
Frankly Spoken ... these are animals which are mostly killed for their skin-coat, macabre! Have not given any permission to use my tax money for this! - cathrine Nystuen
- Maya Riise
- Martha Råen
- Kristin Jørgensen Frøyland
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Elin Gundersen
- Martin Smed Moen Kristiansen
- Evelyn ax Farm
Enough is enough, stop animal cruelty! - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Monika Frigaard
This is absolutely horrible! It's embarrassing to be a Norwegian ... Use my tax money to put an end to animal cruelty! - Matilde Storeide
Sel has as much right to life as the authorities! - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Chris Steen
- linn skate
straps let live - Helga Bjørgum
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Hanne Cathrine Raen
disgusting that some people have the heart to do something like that! - Eirin
stop seal hunting! unnecessary and inhuman! - Vanja Kilen
- Ann-Katrin Finsand
- Sylvi Engebretsen
- Katrine Tufteland
Stop abuse of seals in Norway! They deserve better! - May of christel norreen
stop the carnage! - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Marit Granmo
- Tina Rinde
- Oda Asheim Vors
- stine court Mjølkeråen
stop sealing - Kjetil Areklett
- Alette Skagestad
- Marita Denoy
- xxxx (the name is not shown)
Agree! stop sealing or seal carving, for that matter! barbaric and unnecessary! - Lise Myhre
- Hilde Hermansen
- Linn Krumsvik
- Michael B. Berthelsen
- mona olsen
- Heidi Silje Moen
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- xxxx (the name is not)
Stop the madness! - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Benita Bjørnseth
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- xxxx (the name is not shown)
that's sick! - Olof Elfverson
- Yvonne Olsen
that the government can be so hjerteråe! I do not think you can sleep at night .. - Elin Rotherud
- Elena Tile Vang
- Aina Johansen
- Marie Kingsrød
NO to seal! - Goran Elfverson
- Ewelina Felicia
- Øivind Pedersen
- Marianne Clementine Håheim
- Aurora Eide
Stop Sealing! Do what you can and say NO to the Sealing! - Paola Somoza Escobar
- ine Benedikte målbakken
- Heike Dinsel
- Gro Lindahl
is onskapsfullt against living beings. - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Else-Helene Sveinungsen
- Tove Gunnarsrud
- Eilen Katarina Lunde
Stop! These poor seals have not made you some world thing ...
: ( - Magnus Engen Leirvik
Stop seal hunting! - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Mari Hove
Stand on :-) - Unni Olsen
- Lise Skaarberg
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- xxxx (the name is not shown)
, this is animal abuse! It is time that we show respect and care for our fellow creatures - xxxx (the name is not shown)
completely ridiculous that people are doing such things. It is a SHAME to Norway. - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Mia Spildrejorde
- Meredith
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Linn-kristin Johansen
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Lisa Landmark
- Heidi
An honor to write in! - His Christopher Graff Andersen
- Tine Therese A. Aker
- Another slaby
- Madelen
STOP! - Bjerke Lars Killi
- Herman Thamdrup Lund
- Weekend Bokn
- elin moe
- Malin Cecilia
- Sandra Nilsson
- xxxx (the name is not shown)
The authorities should hold equally strong focus on animal welfare as on nature conservation. - Atle Kvia
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Lisa
- Roland Stanbridge
- xxxx (the name is not shown)
to seal No! - Therese M
Seals are incredibly cute, and they should not catch them. They have a life and the! - Alexandra Dybvik
- Amelie Wildhagen
- Alexandra Redisch
- Alexander W. Bratlie
- Henriette Westbye
- Sandra Helen Solberg
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Betty Nilsson
- Lisa Martin
- Helga Olsen
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Annie Levinsen
This is completely unnecessary! - Alfred van der Bend
- Cecilie Sæther
- xxxx (the name is not shown)
politicians would not bother listening to now either .....
sealing and whaling is pure animal abuse .... - Trine Snustad
- june thorsen
- bjarte Malum
- Helene Søyland
Now the state must stop this animal abuse! We are all equal! - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Jon Anders C. Gaasland
- Ole Christian Petterson
Stop seal hunting! - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Linda Svendsen
- victor olsgard
= (Stop the madness! - Maria Østby
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Berit Moe Lien
- Elise Owe
- Solveig Østby
- christine Håkonsen
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress Can ask judged by the way
its animals are Treated "-Gandhi - Trine Slettevold Aarøe
- Liv Rustad
- Yvonne Jeanette Duesund
- Martha Marie Daughter
- Lars A. Sundøen
Seals are cool. - monica Mandt
- Roar Aarum
stop sealing nåå!! - xxxx (the name is not)
No to all forms of subsidized slaughter. - Kajsa Follina
- Marianne Sandvik
- kjersti sofie hamar
- Jenny Nordström
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Audny Frøyland
- Kim Alexander Heiberg
- Stine Jakobsen
- Helene Aasen
- Fionn McGrath
- Jofrid Aarsland
- Henry Heiberg Andersen
- Marlen
NO to seal! - Ingfrid Wium
- Tanja Hirsch
- Ingvild Stene
- Ann Kristin Svendsen
- Mette Therese Sætersdal
This is so disgusting that I get physically sick just to sit and read about it - now it is high time that a civilized country such as Norway put an end to such simple jobs like this! - Lisa Landmark
Stop the seal hunt now! - xxxx (the name is not shown)
stops to kill the cute seals - mari h. andersen
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Ishmi Bøhn
Horrendous, shameful, unthinking, embarrassing, crime - and you can head on NO way justified! - Arvin Grepperud
- Kristine Irene Aarsheim
humans should know better than to engage in such barbaric activities. Stop the seal hunt! - Ingvild Westby
- Yngvild Kvalvik
- Charlotte Celius Bjørvik
- Truls Westergaard Stensrud
hook barbaric that this is legal in Norway - Karoline Elisabeth Lunde
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Tina Ballerina Crafoord
No to seal !!!!!! - Øyvind Elgstøen
- Reid Signe Eng
- Line Ulvatne
Hey, we need to get a sluttpå. be happy with the group on facebook "do not let the fox farm on Meland continue" had nothing on it then! but it is for those who receive e fur:) it s quite a big group;) 4-5 thousand members:) need more - Tina Fredheim
Like seriously, it must now end the seal hunt! Nu Norway must finally giving statssøtte the MORDERAN here who worked with the key here, not my skattepænga ska d go to here! - Benedikte Marie Stensrud
- Tilde Clark
- xxxx (the name is not shown)
now it's enough abuse. - Aileen Svartbekk
- xxxx (the name is not shown)
STOP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Rikke kalsveen
- Lars-Göran Johansson
- Fred Heggland
- Urszula and Per Lund
Is it really true that such a barbarity to continue because of some fringe-people can not find a civilized work?? - camilla Hvaal nail
- Jeannette Lindahl
The board deputy absolutism förbjudet o särskilt Gorse put it on, inte alls human! - Jeanette Aga
Stop it! - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- xxxx (the name is not shown),
Get a stop to this now! - Erlend Jeppesen
No to subsidize barbaric seal hunting! - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Kim Harjo
- Tove Jacobsen
- Mari-Ann Økland
- Stine Lund Andreassen
- Lene Marie Wold
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Kristiane Klepsvik
I will NOT that my tax dollars should go to seal!! - Tora Ervik Husby
- Lene Josten
- Annette
- Lillian Sivertsen
- Renate Hansen Husevåg
- Renate Robstad
- Marthe Tednes
- Marie Lovise Vik
- Lene Olsen
- Alexandra Dyrnes
STOP! - Natasha
- Coryn Weber
Arrêtez about! - Anne Bartholomäus
- Melissa Pinheiro
- Natty
Violence can never be righteous, unless it is in self-defense. - Knut Grid Seth
Sealing is a great shame. - Ole Johan Ofstad
- Tore Hauge
- Ida Hartviksen Moe
This is absolutely horrific acts, STOP IT NOW! - Hama Keli
- Anita
- Dan Christian Rossbach
every living thing has an equal right to security on our soil. we are all part of the now large - Marielle Jørgensen
- Ann-Kristin Berg
- marita
- Else Harila
ashamed that all this takes place in Norway. simply embarrassing and unødvendig.stopp sealing! - Lise Heier
Hooray for the EU, which has banned imports of seal products! - Hannah Olsen
- Ester Bjørgan
It is absolutely terrible that the state can support such massacre .. - Mathilde Markeng
- isabel rock
- Daniel Gunnesmæl
- Nordin
- Dorota Kantorowicz-Bardzinska
- Lene Lindborg
- Morgan Weber
- Nora Didriksen
- rafael rohonyi
hey - Ine Schjetne
This is barbaric and pure torture of seals, ban now! - Eirin Kartveit
- Anne Litlatun
- AnnCharlott Hansen
- xxxx (the name is not displayed)
There is no question that what I pay in taxes will be sponsoring the animals' suffering on the way! - Marit Hansen J
- Gunn Floberg seats
I will not spend money to support any issues that are kvenkende both me and the animal. I would never have been supported by anything that involves mishandlig of animals, shame on you. Using us, as taxpayers, of which we stand for! - Elizabeth Armstrong
This is grotesque and should have been stopped long ago! - Terese Blue.
it's very much that is important when one lives. - Line Begby
- Arlene
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Diana Campos
- Linda Mauseth
- male k Henriksen
stop seal hunting! NOW !!!!! - Jane Helen Johansen
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- mia Opdahl
I never said yes to that my tax money be used for this .. the government should be ashamed!! - May Helen Nielsen
- Camilla Kilen
- days arild Mæhlum
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Sarah Nordby Thoresen
- Eva Kristine Haugli
simply barbaric! How can you sit on the sidelines and watch something so oldtidsinspirert takes place in 2010. A shame! - January Gustavsen
- Peter Danielsson
- Ole Vik
- Cathy Pine
- Johan Danielsson
- Linn Helen Turøy
- Benedicte Frostad
I do not want to contribute to the subsidization of the sealers! - Benedicte Sorsell
Stop seal hunting! - Luke Constantine Krupka
Ah-ah. This is wrong. - Maria Grayston Luice
It's just idiotic! - Sigrun Sørensen
- Oda Marie Liodden
All treatment of animals resulting in suffering for the animal in any degree, is reprehensible! - May Linn Rasmussen
- Annie Lisa
- Ina Eriksen Eines
- june Løseth
- Siri Randtun
Hunting resulting in unnecessary suffering for our animals I do not agree! - Matilda Jönsson
- Jorid Beate Smevik
want with all my heart, that this may cause an end to the barbarism! Long live the free animals! - Siri Dybvad Forestry
OK, I do not pay taxes I think. But it's stupid that you have to do it! o.0 ...!! - Camilla Rye
Vile, nasty, brutal people ... Shame on you!! - xxxx (the name does not appear)
<3 Voted yes! - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Lene Jacinta Martinussen
I am directly embarrassed to be Norwegian when it comes to such matters! STOP SEAL! - hilde magnus Horvei
No to Sealing .. - Eline Børtveit
My taxes will not fucking go to animal suffering!! - Eline Olsen
- Eline HLMathiesen
- xxxx (the name is not)
Stop the seal hunt! - Emilie Kingsrød-Hovden
STOP IT! seal hunting is terrible - cathrine Wisth
sealing is the worst nightmares have wept over the poor, the straps from my children ... hope it comes to an end once and for it's so pathetic to pitiful to kill animals that can not run away even ... - Ingrid Vik Bakken
- Therese Krokedal
- Joshua Bolton
- lotta Engelke
- Arvid Johansen
Why do we kill these animals? Is there a way to employ rural Norway for? It is certainly a great shame this whole business! Subsidies to STOP up as soon as possible. If it is not the profitability will stop it by itself .... - Kristin Amundsen
- Alekander Ilievski
Pet Murder. - Therese Orkelbog
- Eivind Nordli
- Monika Kalleklev
- Berit H. Hagen
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
Use the tax money on something if you can help, not hurt! - Cecilie Idland
No living creature should have to undergo such! - Kimberly
- xxxx (the name is not shown)
no to subsidizing speculative business. - Bettina Evensen
- Myriam Leclère
I remember the campaigns from the 80s.
INCREDIBLY that we still require it !!!!! - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Stine Nyborg
- Line Flatland
- Carina Hansen
country's leaders should be ashamed! - Jenni Mylly
- Linda Norvard
Absolutely NO to seal! - Eirik Bull-Hansen
- Elin Nilsen
has no words for what I think about this case ... I know I get sick inside and my heart bleeds! - Roger Pihl
Sealing is no public task! - Judith Osnes
- Sandra Yeomans
- Crown Stine Lund
- linda Røisli
- hege Wold
that our tax money goes to the murders is absolutely sick!! - Cristina Seica
- Caroline Prout
- Patrick Prout
- Samira simon
this I will NOT pay for! - Anette Glesnes
- xxxx (the name does not appear)
SAVE THE ANIMALS! - xxxx (the name does not appear)
- Dan Danielsen
Stop abusing our tax money to animal abuse! - Julia Skifjeld
- Emily Isabell Bjørgan
- Silje Hov Dagsland
- xxxx (the name is not displayed)
Your end to seal hunting! - Katinka Paulsen
terrible .. - Charlotte Tandberg
- Camilla Aasheim
unbelievable! sealing should be stopped completely ...!!! - Anja Arnesen
- Linda Årvik
- Helen Vaaland
- Mads Valand
- Julia Wong
- Caroline Pinelli
- Marie Helgesen
Your attention and action on this regard will be highly appreciated.
God bless!
Thank you... !!!!!